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Company Activities: International Workers' Day Vocational Skills Competition

Views: 60     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-05-07      Origin: Site

International Labor Day, also known as "May 1st International Labor Day" and "International Workers' Day" (International Workers' Day or May Day), is a national holiday in more than 80 countries around the world. Set on May 1 every year, it is a festival shared by working people all over the world. MGG group, one of the leading roll on bottle manufacturers in China, the first International Workers' Day Vocational Skills Competition was held in the factory, which enriched employees' amateur cultural life, strengthened communication and cooperation among employees, enhanced teamwork awareness, and enhanced corporate cohesion.

On the eve of the holiday, Meiguo International held the first professional skills speech contest to celebrate May 1st, which actively mobilized the festive atmosphere and was also an activity to give bonuses to employees for welfare.

The first part is a speech contest, the participants are managers of four company departments. They start from their own work reality, combine their personal career planning and current work progress, and also use ppt to show their future goals and prospects. The beautifully produced ppt interface and the passionate tone all show their confidence and self-confidence in their current work. The two judges were fascinated by the audience, and the cheerleaders behind them were also mobilized by the enthusiasm of the speech to applaud the speaker to show their support. After the presentation, the final results of the competition will be announced before the end of the event.

The second part is the quiz with prizes. Two teams will quiz 15 questions. If each question is answered correctly, a bonus will be issued on the spot, and individual bonuses will be awarded. After the two teams have asked fifteen questions, the total number of questions answered correctly by each team will be calculated, and the team with the most questions will receive additional team bonuses. The topics of this session involve common sense, ancient Chinese poetry and other fields, aiming to improve the cultural quality of the company's employees.

An excellent employee not only needs to have knowledge and skills, but also a strong physique. Therefore, the third link is sports competitions, rope skipping competitions test flexibility, push-ups competitions are endurance, golden roosters test balance independently, relay competitions focus on explosiveness, and tug-of-war competitions test teamwork. Tug of war is divided into men's competition, women's competition and mixed competition. We can see everyone's nervous and excited expressions when participating in the game, and their faces glowing when the prizes are handed out. This may be the greatest significance of this game.

After the sports competition was over, it was time to announce the results of the speech competition. Everyone was nervous and looking forward to it, and the two judges also commented on the speech very seriously. In the end, the director of the marketing department came out on top, the heads of the quality supervision department and the engineering department tied for second place, and the head of the administrative department won the third place.

Meiguo International takes "people-oriented" as its guiding ideology. An excellent corporate culture can inspire all employees to have a lofty sense of mission and drive to work hard. Strong internal cohesion helps the company to operate better and develop continuously.

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